Sinnamon Lawyers offer legal services across Queensland. Call us today for an obligation-free appointment or advice from our personal injury lawyers about your legal position following an accident.
Free & no obligation consultation
We can meet with you in any of North Queensland Regional Centres or towns. Should, however, you wish to see us at your home, we are very happy to travel to you and discuss with you within the comfort of your home the service that we can provide to you and the benefits available under the compensation scheme in respect of which we practice. Please contact us on 1800 978 567 or alternatively, complete the attached enquiry form and we will return your call immediately which we usually do within the hour.
It is essential to seek legal advice to with the process of claiming for damages as strict time limits are imposed on personal injury claims.
Accidents can occur at work at any time but many of these incidents are preventable and are a result of poor risk assessment by an employer.
This refers to harmful acts and oversights committed by healthcare providers. This claim can help you recover your health and well-being.
If you have suffered an injury or otherwise been affected by illness that has affected your ability to work, then you may be able to claim for TPD.
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